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By Your Command Geocoin Antique Gold Black

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  • By Your Command Geocoin Antique Gold Black

I have always been a huge Sci-Fi fan. I grew up with all the great TV shows in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. I really love the original BSG series and have been catching up on the newer versions.  I know there is a cult following out there for the series and I bet there are a few cachers too. BSG does not seem to get the same respect in the “main stream” of news and advertising.

We wanted to pay homage to the show in our own way.  So that is where the “By Your Command” geocoin was born from.  From the Red Eyed “Toaster” on the front to the Phoenix rising on the back.  So the next time someone asks you to go out caching, just answer “By Your Command”!


- 1.75 inches (4.44cm) diameter; 3 mm dik

- Trackable met zn eigen icoon op By your command-Icon-Big By your command-Icon-Small



Merk gc
Coin Maat 4.44 cm

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